Author: E. Raymond Capt. Narrated by Paul H. Johnson
Biblical Antiquities II CD album consists of 12 radio programs dealing with the Captivity of Israel the Behistun Rock the Migrations of Israel and 9 other subjects of equal interest.Listed below are Album II's Twelve tapes and its subjects:
The Captivity of Israel
The Migrations of Israel
The Behistun Rock
Israel Judah and Jew
Dan - The Pioneer of Israel
Benjamin - The Light Bearer
The Amarna Tablets
The Sonnini Manuscript
The Friends of St. Paul
The Resurrection Tomb
The Resurrection of Christ
Resurrection of Christ - A Hoax?
All tapes are timed for 29 minutes 30 seconds and side two is a duplicate of side one.
Compact Disc
CD00101 * copyrighted material...all rights reserved [Artisan Publishers 2016]
Biblical Antiquities, resurrection of Christ, resurrection tomb, Dan, St. Paul, Benjamin, migrations of Israel captivity, Sonninni, Behistun, e. raymond cap,t ray capt, judah, jew, Amarna tablets, Christ Jew
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