Artisan Publishers

Biblical Antiquities V [Capt] (Book) - Now Available on Kindle***
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Author: E. Raymond Capt

Biblical history and characters take on a new life in this enlightening and exciting presentation--the fifth of E. Raymond Capt's Biblical Antiquities book series.

The topics for study are:

  1. Sumerians - The First Historians
  2. Joshua Israel's Great Warrior
  3. Gezer - A Daughter's Dowry
  4. Assyria's Buried Treasures
  5. Zebulun - A Tribe of Israel
  6. Joseph Viceroy of Egypt
  7. The Book of Numbers - Israel in the Wilderness
  8. Samuel A Prophet of God
  9. Ugarit - And the Bible
  10. Ebla - An Unknown Empire
  11. Galilee in the Time of Christ
  12. The Culdee Church

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Be sure and make this latest addition of Capt's part of your Antiquities collection!

146 pages


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Biblical Antiquities V [Capt] (Book) - Now Available on Kindle*** 5.0000 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.

Reviews on this item

Ben Burch

Volumes 1,2 & 6 are IMHO the best as far as archeology is concerned. Volumes 3,4 & 5 are more based on bible studies. I prefer the archeological side of his works more-so than his bible lessons. Regardless, there’s a ton of info in all of these books. The entire series is top notch. The more Capt I read, the more respect I have for him. He is a VERY knowledgable man. You can’t go wrong with anything by Capt.

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