Artisan Publishers

Biblical Antiquities  III - E. Raymond Capt 12 cassette Album - The abundant treasure of information to be found here...
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Author: E. Raymond Capt. Narrated by Paul H. Johnson

This is the third in E. Raymond Capt's series of Biblical Antiquities professionally narrated by Paul Johnson and covering many subjects of great interest to all students of the Bible and searchers of the truth. The abundant treasure of information to be found here cover subject material as diverse as The Great Pyramid and Bible Prophecy Fulfilled to the identity of the Scythians and King Solomon's Temple. This album's studies as follows:

  1. Our New Old Testament
  2. Bible History from Bullae
  3. Cyrus - Instrument of God
  4. The Great Pyramid - Part I
  5. The Great Pyramid - Part II
  6. Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
  7. The Bible Confirmed by Science
  8. Susa and the Code of Hammurabi
  9. Joshua fought the Battle of Jerico
  10. Who are the Scythians?
  11. King Solomon's Temple
  12. Joseph of Arimathea - Nobilus Decurio

Ideal for radio programs group or individual Bible Study.

Audio Cassettes    * copyrighted material...all rights reserved [Artisan Publishers 2016]

AT00802,Biblical Antiquities Album III,E. Raymond Capt,biblical antiquities album 3,Ray Capt,bible history,bible history from bullae,cyrus,great pyramid,Artisan Publishers,prophecy fulfilled,biblical truths confirmed by science,susa,code of hammurabi,joshua,battle of jerico,scythians,king solomons temple,artisan publishers,joseph of arimathea,archaeological excavations,hebrew migrations

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