Artisan Publishers

Creation\'s Jubilee - Dr. Stephen Jones [230 pages]
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Author: Stephen E. JonesMen have long speculated on the ages to come. What will happen when and in what order? What will the condition of men be when they are raised (1 Cor. 15:35) ? What is the purpose of the reign of Christ in the age to come known to the Hebrews and early Christians as the Kingdom Age or the Messianic Age? How does it differ from the age that follows it described as "the new heaven and the new earth" having a "new Jerusalem"?

Perhaps even more confusing to people today is all this talk about going to heaven either at the moment of death or at a future time. If that is so then why return to earth in a resurrection and why have a millennium at all? I have encountered people in the Ministry who were puzzled by this as well. If they are so puzzled perhaps that is why the average Christian is also puzzled. They have been receiving contradictory teachings and do not have the keys to sort it all out for themselves.

It is our purpose in this book to break the seals on this topic and boldly strike out on what we can only call an awesome adventure. The first door can be unlocked only with the key of understanding the three resurrections.

So begins the first chapter of this remarkable work by Stephen E. Jones. He opens his study by explaining the when and the why of each of the resurrections and who the participants will be in each. He follows this with his distinctive and stirring conception of the true meaning of some of the most puzzling scriptural passages found in God's Holy Word. Once opened...this book is difficult to put down.

Spiral Comb Bound
230 pages

Creation Jubilee,Stephen Jones,creation jubilee,stephen jones,blindness,israel,judah,northern kingdom,southern kingdom,sceptre birthright,cursed fig tree,esau,hosea,gomer,isaiah,restoration,edomites,idumeans,hrycanus,steve jones,stephen e. jones,death,heaven,hell,resurrection,grave,BS00203

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