Author: Covenant Productions by E. Raymond Capt
Take a pictorial visit with E. Raymond Capt to the traditional Mount Sinai in Egypt's scorched desert peninsula where it is believed Moses received the Ten Commandments - "two tables of stone written with the finger of God." (Exodus 31.18)
See St. Catherine's Monastery a starkley isolated bastion the size of a city block erected by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the sixth century as a combination shrine and fortress on the traditional site of the burning bush.
Follow in the footsteps of generations of pious pilgrims that walked the monastery's narrow paved streets small courts and covered passages that provide a glimpse of the vanished world of Byzantium. Observe the small band of monks continue the tradition of retirement from this world and preparation for the next.
After taking a "closer look" at Mount Sinai decide for yourself if you agree with E. Raymond Capt "The story is true but the location is wrong."
DVD (54 Min.)
***New Lower Price of $19.95!
DVD00913 * copyrighted material...all rights reserved [Artisan Publishers 2016]
*PLEASE NOTE: The E. Raymond Capt DVDs were copied from the original VHS videos which were produced in the 1970s and 1980s when the production techniques were not as sophisticated as today's. However the quality of the material presented is of the highest standard with each subject thoroughly explored and explained. Excellent not only for private viewing but also for Bible study groups and family and friends.
Sinai a Closer Look,E. Raymond Capt,sinai a closer look,e. raymond capt,ray capt,artisan publishers,moses received ten commandments,ten commandments written with finer of god,burning bush,st. catherine's monastery,byzantine emperor justinian erected shrine at burning bush location,monks,Egypt,desert,Mount Sinai
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