Author: Covenant Productions by E. Raymond Capt
This is the ever-popular E. Raymond Capt video that provides a new source of light on the 18 missing years (from ages 12 to 30) in the life of Jesus.
It conducts an examination of the historical records concerning Joseph of Arimathea who according to legend was the great uncle of Jesus and a provincial senator and metal merchant.
It asks and provides answers to the questions: was Mary the Mother of Jesus buried at Glastonbury in England at the site of the first Christian church in the West? Was King Arthur legendary or factual? Was the famous Nanteos Cup the "Holy Grail" found at Glastonbury actually the Cup of the Last Supper?
Treat yourself to a splendid pictorial visit to the site where many of the Faithful believe the boyhood feet of Jesus tread.
VHS _ Video (52 Min.)
...Standard VHS....ALSO Available on PAL (VHS) for our European customers....please add the letters "PAL" in the comment box when ordering for this special VHS tape.
DVD version also available
Retail Price: $24.00
The Tradtions of Glastonbury,e. raymond capt,THE TRADITIONS OF GLASTONBURY,E. RAYMOND CAPT,Artisan Publishers,Jesus Christ,Feast of the Passover,Solomon"s Temple,University of Palestine,Nazareth,Galilee,Capernaum,Peter,Jordan River,John the Baptist,Chalice Well,Holy Thorn Tree,chalice well lid,sarcophagus of st. joseph,glastonbury abbey cross,
arnold murray,shepherds chapel,Julius Caesar,Britain,Somerset,Druidic Faith,Druids,Claudius,Tacitus,Druidism,Suetonius Paulinus,Joseph of Arimathea,Christianity,Christians,Mary,House of God,saxons,lake village,pilate,sanhedrin,Tin Islands,St. Michael's Mount,tin mines of cornwall,tamar river,levant mine,tunic crosses,culdees,st. michael's mount,the george inn
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